

Exploration of our world and beyond drives advancements in science and technology every day.  If we are to inspire new generations of explorers we need to give them the tools and technology which will set them on a path to success.

MKme.org supports explorers of all ages to take an interest in the current technology and methods available to explore this world and the areas of space as well.  Our hope is by sharing knowledge and connecting people- we can enable people to explore new and exciting aspects of our world and beyond

In 2014 the Aurora-1 High Altitude Balloon project was designed , developed and shared completely open source in hopes it would inspire others to start their own DIY space programs.

mkme.org High Altitude balloon


The entire project was documented via YouTube videos and the Arduino code and design shared for all to use.  The first flight in May 2014 fell short of “near space” but the results were fantastic.  It achieved over 58,000 feet and produced over 18 GB of HD video and still images.  The Arduino data logger stored all the sensor information for the duration of the flight while the GPS systems allowed for recovery within 15 minutes of touchdown.

Pretty amazing we could get shots like this:

mkme.org HAB

In 2015 we began creating the DIY Satellite project in hopes others could re-create a functioning cube satellite (cubesat) to explore space right from home.  The project is ongoing and documented fully via YouTube Videos.  The Satellite Arduino code is shared open source so others can easily reproduce the project for hobby or educational purposes.

mkme.org Arduino cubesat

With the advent of sponsored satellite launches with programs such as ELANA, it is very possible we will see more DIY satellites achieving space missions using cheap “off the shelf” components.

Upcoming projects consist of a 4WD Arduino Robot (Rover) which is being adapted for a simulated Mars type mission. this will enable teachers and educators to provide simulated missions right in their very own classrooms.

mkme.org arduino robot


By sharing projects and connecting people we can indeed change the pace of earth exploration and beyond. If you would like to take part in any exploration project please contact us via the links on the mkme.org About page.